Saturday, September 3, 2011

Black Men Live

I turn on the news to find two men talking about a new book called "Is Marriage For White People?" They ask the questionm should black women should settle for the current state of black men, since , supposedly, the black man's condition isn't ideal for marriage. This black author is asking black women to give up on finding a black man to avoid being in a bad relationship. I think the aurthor, Ralph Richard Banks, doesn't serve the God I do. I teach black men every day, because instead of giving up on black men, I breathe life into them.

A poem I wrote in honor of the black men that I will never lose faith in

"Black Men"
I went to three places and saw my men behind
Behind the cooking counter
Behind the storage unit
Behind the dumpster
My men shine
And work again to rule the land
They are the kings that gave her birth
Behind the desk, my men, they build
I hear God through my men’s cries
“I am a leader “
“I am the leader”
“My community is my mission”
“I am more than a statistic”
The princes’ calls are my peace
The bone
The beginning
My men are the revolution
Shall not they die
They are our future
Together, we conquer